Ashley Rhodes Courter

Ashley Rhodes-Courter

From Foster Care to Fearless Advocate: Empowering Stories of Resilience

Fees and Travel

$20,000 plus $2500 travel buyout; plus up to 2 nights hotel on purchasers account

Ben Whiting

Ben Whiting

Transforming Cultures: Achieving the Impossible with Engagement and Entertainment

Fees and Travel

$20,000 plus $2500 travel buyout; plus TWO nights hotel on purchasers account

Jason Lauritsen

Leading With Relationship: Transforming Workplaces Through Authentic Connection

Fees and Travel

$15,000 plus $2000 travel buyout; plus up to 2 nights hotel on purchasers account

Jeff Havens Keynote Speaker

Jeff Havens

Serious Solutions. Seriously Funny.

Fees and Travel

$20,000 plus $2500 travel buyout; plus up to 2 nights hotel on purchasers account

Joe Gerstandt

Joe Gerstandt

Diversity and Inclusion: A Catalyst for Excellence

Fees and Travel

$20,000 plus $2000 travel buyout; plus up to 2 nights hotel on purchasers account

Matt Havens Keynote Speaker

Matt Havens

Making Your Business Human, One Laugh at a Time

Fees and Travel

$15,000 plus $2000 travel buyout; plus up to 2 nights hotel on purchasers account

Sara Ross

Sara Ross

Founder & Chief Vitality Officer at BrainAMPED

Fees and Travel

$15,000 plus $2500 travel buyout; plus up to 2 nights hotel on purchasers account

Scott Burrows

Scott Burrows

Harnessing Vision – Mindset – Grit

Fees and Travel

$20,000 plus $2500 travel buyout; plus up to 2 nights hotel on purchasers account

Simon Keith

Simon Keith

Champion Athlete, Inspiring Leader, Lifesaving Philanthropist

Fees and Travel

$15,000 plus $2000 travel buyout; plus up to 2 nights hotel on purchasers account