Organizing a corporate event is a huge undertaking.

Whether it’s for a small- or enterprise-sized company, the time, money, grit, and tenacity it takes to plan one is huge.

You’ve been tasked with organizing your next corporate event.

Or, you’re a corporate event organizer full time.

Either way, continue reading this article to learn about the 5 corporate event planning mistakes — and how to prevent them before they happen…

5 Corporate Event Planning Mistakes

Before we dive into the mistakes of corporate event planning, let’s address whether or not you should plan and have an event in the first place.

If you’re planning your first corporate event, then make sure it’s appropriate to do so.

If you’re planning your hundredth corporate event, then make sure it’s done properly.

In both situations, you want to make sure the event is worth the investment.

Mistake #1. Plan, Budget, & Schedule

Your plan, budget, and schedule are your guiding light before, during, and after your corporate event.

Anything you don’t plan, budget, or schedule for is a risk factor. While it can be beneficial to keep some things spontaneous, most of your event ought to be following a specific plan, budget, and schedule you’ve created.

A mistake a lot of corporate event planners make is to not have these three items in order throughout the event planning process.

Mistake #2. Committee Event Planning

Otherwise known as “too many cooks in the kitchen.” You want to be either the only one planning and managing the event, or at least be one of two. If you involve too many people in the decision making process, it stifles creativity, connectivity, and collaboration. There needs to be a single decision-maker leading the charge with a number of support crew executing their orders.

This doesn’t mean there can’t be discussion on how, what, or when to do something…

… but it’s a mistake if you have too many people involved in the actual decision making.

Mistake #3. Ignore Attendees Desires & Needs

Before any major update to change to your corporate event, you should ask yourself a series of questions. One of those questions:

“Is this the right choice for my event attendees?”

If you can wholeheartedly say yes, then move forward.

If you have reservations, then address those before moving forward.

Planning a corporate event to show off your ability to organize is a mistake that takes the focus away from the attendees — you’re true metric of success.

Mistake #4. Connection Snafus

The goal for your event should be to connect with the attendees. So, make sure your corporate event doesn’t feel too… corporate. Your event ought to communicate the brand, message, and theme, but don’t go too heavy on the corporate influence. Instead, focus on engaging, connecting, and building trust with your attendees.

Focusing on making the corporation look good instead of connecting with the attendees is a mistake that can dull your event quick.

Mistake #5. Zero Follow Through

Once your event wraps up, the event is not over. The follow up post event is a huge opportunity. You can reach out to attendees and see what they thought about your event. You can also reach out to any speakers you booked and see what they thought. Finally, the follow through is where you solidify the message communicated at the event.

Not following through and connecting with your attendees after the event is a mistake you want to avoid.


Now that you know about the 5 biggest corporate event planning mistakes, you can launch your next event with confidence.

Here are those mistakes one more time from the article:

  • Mistake #1. Plan, Budget, & Schedule
  • Mistake #2. Committee Event Planning
  • Mistake #3. Ignore Attendees Desires & Needs
  • Mistake #4. Connection Snafus
  • Mistake #5. Zero Follow Through

When you plan your next corporate event, consider booking speakers for it.

Another mistake corporate event planners make is getting the C-Suite on the stage to address their workforce. This can feel forced or too corporate.

Instead, hire a speaker from outside the organization to really drive your goal or message home with your workforce. An outside voice with a different perspective may be enough to inspire and motivate your people to take action.

Contact Platinum Speakers Agency today to schedule a pre-booking call.

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