You’re an event planner, conference organizer, or business owner looking to bring a keynote speaker to your audience that will make a positive impact.
In most of what you do, it’s about culling out the speakers that simply don’t fit the theme and message for your event.
The path of least resistance to finding speakers for your event or conference may be tempting, but you want your audience to get something from the experience you’re preparing for them.
It can be tough to find leadership speakers that will resonate with your audience and give them practical pieces of knowledge that they can apply to their lives immediately.
That’s where Platinum Speakers Agency comes in to help.
Keynote Speakers on Leadership
Below you will find seven speakers that emphasize leadership with their message but deliver it in a way that’s unique to their personal and professional stories.
#1. Marques Ogden — “The foundation of any good business is great effective leadership.”
Marques grew up in a single parent home. His father raised Marques and his brother to persevere and to be fair. Through college, the NFL, a successful construction business, and beyond, Marques took all the lessons and built a speaking career on the back of his story — one of perseverance, fairness, leadership, and performance.
As a keynote speaker, Marques discusses the following and more surrounding leadership:
You’ve probably heard a dozen different ways to define “great leadership,” but Marques takes a slightly different angle on leadership due to his life story and how he found, lost, and found success again.
He believes that you must have the ability or capacity to translate a vision into reality.
As a leader, you must be able to share our vision from your mind to your mouth to communicate for others to follow you.
If people are excited and more passionate about going to work, you have a better company, which leads to a better America overall.
Marques is using his story to help people succeed where he failed and beyond.
#2. Jeff Havens — “There are essentially two pieces of effective leadership: good leadership and great leadership.”
Jeff is a business growth expert, who speaks on topics such as leadership, generational issues, innovation, and HR. He’s had the honor of speaking in front of more than 1,000 audiences across North America and Asia. He combines well-researched business information with comedic entertainment.
As a keynote speaker, Jeff discusses the following and more surrounding leadership:
What is good and great leadership? Jeff positions good and great leadership as two very different things.
He says that we need to be doing both of these things if we want engaged employees.
What’s more, the rules that build, strengthen, and sustain relationships are exactly the same, whether you’re talking to your kids, spouse, family, colleagues, bosses, or employees.
A great leader brings both good and great leadership to the team and communicates effectively.
#3. Matt Havens — “Nobody is a natural born leader, and do you know how I know that? It’s because I have twin daughters at home.”
Working with Fortune 50 companies in various leadership roles for the last decade, Matt has brought a unique, comedic, entertaining approach to business and leadership as a keynote speaker.
As a speaker, Matt discusses the following and more surrounding leadership:
The idea of leadership has become so overanalyzed.
You’re expected to be a superhero, subjecting yourself to analysis on how to unlock your potential.
But now everything you’ve heard can be put into three categories of assessment:
- Acronym-based leadership
- Weakness-averse leadership
- Shape/color/spirit animal leadership
It’s time we took a different approach to leadership — one that makes sense.
#4. Jason Lauritsen — “Great leaders invite people to join them on a journey. They do not ask for permission to go.”
As a leadership and workplace geek, Jason loves to help leaders to better engage their teams. He’s a former corporate HR executive, as well as an author and consultant. When he speaks, he uses a candid, direct approach to impacting his audiences.
As a keynote speaker, Jason discusses the following and more surrounding leadership:
Jason says to “lean into conflict.” When conflict heads your way, it’s time to lean in, not run away like everyone else.
He believes that we are the people experts, and it’s time to stop deferring to the executives who know less about your work than you do.
Spend time every single week building a robust network inside and outside of your organization. This will become the most powerful tool in your toolkit.
Finally, stop asking for so much permission. Great leaders invite others to join them on a journey. They do not ask others for permission to go.
When it matters, dig in your heels and fight, because it’s a fight worth picking. You’re fighting for your people.
#5. Gary Bradt — “Leadership is about motivating and inspiring people to follow a direction.”
Gary speaks on the human side of change. As a keynote speaker and writer, he helps individuals and organizations adapt to change faster. He won the attention of many when he was chosen by Dr. Spence Johnson to be the leading speaker on the “Cheese” book. Now, Gary travels the world speaking to people and corporations on leadership, strategy, and change.
As a keynote speaker, Gary discusses the following and more surrounding leadership:
If you cannot control and regulate yourself, you’re going to have a very hard time motivating and inspiring others.
Leaders don’t complain about the change. They’re too busy doing something about it.
You cannot get through change without taking on some level of risk.
Change is an equal opportunity employer. It’s time you find the opportunity in change, and then lead others through that process.
#6. Maja Kazazic — “60,000 people working in unison towards one common goal: to survive.”
As a survivor of a Bosnian civil war, Maja has persevered through a multi-year struggle to arrive where she is today. As a keynote speaker, she tells her story of losing five friends to an RPG and banding together with 60,000 others to achieve one goal: survival. Her expertise revolves around motivation, leadership, barriers, revenue, and mindset.
As a keynote speaker, Maja discusses the following and more surrounding leadership:
When a group of people have a common goal, they adopt a sense of purpose, community, and value.
It’s about taking our uniqueness and our differences and celebrating them.
If we tap into these powers and we realize how strong they truly are, we can accomplish anything. We can turn even the worst of times into the best of times.
Remember to keep things in perspective when you’re overcoming challenges.
You can persevere no matter how difficult the challenges are in your personal life or professional career. This is what makes good leaders great — the ability to lead a team and persevere.
#7. Chris Riddell — “Understanding the megatrends that define this world around us is critical to being able to reinvent ourselves for a world moving faster than ever before in history.”
As an award-winning global futurist, Chris focuses on the intersection between the future of humanity and digital. He’s spoken to over 350,000 people globally, sharing his expert insights on mega trends, and how these insights affect businesses, leaders, and humanity in general.
As a keynote speaker, Chris discusses the following and more surrounding leadership:
The digital world we live in is like a technological maze.
So how are we supposed to lead our teams through this maze whilst moving at lightning speed?
In business, you have the opportunity to take advantage of the ever-increasing changes in technology ahead.
You will need to simplify and translate these huge concepts into bite sized chunks for your teams.
Trends are created, not followed.
An agile and entrepreneurial spirit can flip the balance between large and small business.
Leadership Takeaways
Leadership, as shown above, can seem like a complex, diverse arena that only the ultra talented can be be a part of. But as the keynote speakers above show, there are leaders are everywhere. As an event planner, conference organizer, or business owner, you know how vital effective leadership can be to your business. It’s time you spread the message that leadership is not for someone with a title; it’s a position that everyone on your team can take. Here are some key takeaways from this post:
- “The foundation of any good business is great effective leadership.”
- “There are essentially two pieces of effective leadership: good leadership and great leadership.”
- “Nobody is a natural born leader, and do you know how I know that? It’s because I have twin daughters at home.”
- “Great leaders invite people to join them on a journey. They do not ask for permission to go.”
- “Leadership is about motivating and inspiring people to follow a direction.”
- “60,000 people working in unison towards one common goal: to survive.”
- “Understanding the megatrends that define this world around us is critical to being able to reinvent ourselves for a world moving faster than ever before in history.”
Are you looking for a keynote speaker for your event? Let Platinum Speakers Agency know! We have a roster of the top leadership, motivational, inspirational, and diversity speakers in the industry. Contact Platinum today to get started.